Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D in English Liteature, Candidate
Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University
May 2019
M.A. in English Literature
Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University
May 2014
Secondary English Education
Florence, South Carolina
Francis Marion University
May 2009
Bachelor of Arts
Florence, South Carolina
Francis Marion University
Presentations and Awards
National and International Conferences
Fall 2019
"An Introduction to 18thConnect.Org: Your Digital
Humanities Project, from the Archive to the Web"
Biennial Meeting of the Aphra Behn and
Francis Burney Societies
Auburn, Alabama
Spring 2019
'"A Foulere Thing Nas Nevere Non:' Numerology and the Character of the Saracen in Bevis of Hampton"
International Congress on Medieval Studies
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Winter 2013
"Moving Beyond Reading Programs: Building Communities of Lifelong Readers"
National Council of Teachers of English
Boston, Massachusettes
Regional Conferences
Spring 2019
"'I Wolde Loke Both Ferre and Nere': Searching, Travelling, and Telling the World in the York Corpus Christi Plays"
James P. Hammersmith Best Paper Award - MA Level
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Spring 2018
"'To Write and Read Be Henceforth Treacherous:' The
Transgression of Marking in Shakespeare's Cymbeline"
Best Paper - MA
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Spring 2018
Spring 2015
Spring 2012
"'To Write and Read Be Henceforth Treacherous:' The
Transgression of Marking in Shakespeare's Cymbeline"
Southeastern Liberal Arts Research Conference
Auburn, Alabama
"The Affective Dimensions of Literacy in
the 21st Century"
South Carolina Independent Schools Association
Orangeburg, South Carolina
"Problem-Based Learning: An Alternative
Pedagogical Approach"
Francis Marion University Center of Excellence
Florence, South Carolina
Instructor of Record, Composition
Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Literature
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
Secondary English Instructor
Bullock County Summer Academy
Union Springs, Alabama
After-School Instructor, Reading and Composition
Ramana Coaching Center
Charlotte, North Carolina
Secondary English Instructor
Newberry Academy
Newberry, South Carolina
Research Experience
Fall 2019
Project Manager, 18thConnect.Org
Appointed Project Manager to 18thConnect, a website which peer reviews projects in 18th Century studies.
Responsibilities included checking submissions of XML for peer review, updating the site's visual elements, and working with contributers to resolve issues.
Research Assistant
Appointed as research assistant to Professor Craig Bertolet, conducting primary and secondary source research.
Responsibilites included locating print, digital, and microfilm primary sources (including chronicles, maps, and romances), analyzing, and distilling sources.
Research Interests
Medieval Literacies
Medieval Romance
Medieval Historical Writing
Medieval Epistemology
Book History
Affect Studies
Cognitive Studies in Literature
Institutional Service
Literature Co-Chair,
Auburn English Graduate Association
Fall 2019-
Spring 2020
Auburn English Graduate Association
Fall 2018-
Spring 2019
Professional Affiliations
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Medieval Academy of America (MAA)
Phi Alpha Theta (National History Honor Society)
International Marie de France Society (IMFS)
The Tolkien Society
International Courtly Literature Society- North America
Branch (ICLS)
John Gower Society (JGS)